What is Solid Rock Church like?
Walking into Solid Rock Church is like returning home for anybody who grew up in a small protestant church in the Midwest or South. Beautiful cedar wood throughout, traditional pew seating structures, and soft lighting and neutral colors bring a calm and comfortable ambiance. The sanctuary seats 100 people comfortably and the completely remodeled foyer, bathrooms, fellowship hall, kitchen, and classrooms in the basement is a wonderful venue for meals, outreach, prayer meeting, and a gathering place.
What is the spiritual environment and worship service like at Solid Rock?
The Solid Rock family is a mixture of historical Christians from protestant, evangelical, and catholic backgrounds. There are also brand-new believers and curious seekers in the regular attenders. Worship services follow a typical pattern of announcements, worship (which includes praise music and traditional hymns), corporate prayer, Scripture reading, and Bible based preaching. Attire is whatever is comfortable and normally in the business casual mode. There is only one Sunday morning service at 10:00 a.m. and it lasts around an hour with Pastor Elliott preaching about 30 minutes.
What is the relational environment like at Solid Rock?
The Solid Rock family is very friendly and welcoming, and the small numbers allow for familiarity and genuine experiential intimacy. Pastor Elliott is extremely extroverted and the community culture of acceptance and appreciation for everyone is evident in the gatherings where much laughter and joy is a part of the events, services, fellowship, and conversations.
What does Solid Rock have for children?
The Solid Rock Children’s ministry is quickly growing and serves ages 5 – 12. They meet during the morning worship services in one of the classrooms in the basement. There is also a nursery available that can be used for a young mother or one of the women of the church will watch the baby or toddler so the parents can have a break if desired. Babies and children are always welcomed in the service, as well. The sounds of babies or children is a blessing to the congregation and a joy unto the Lord.